Homeschool Co-op

The Capital Baptist Church Home school Support Group ("HSG") was formed to assist those members who have elected to home educate their children. Since the beginning of this ministry, others outside of the church have become interested in also participating in this ministry. For this reason and because the Home school Support Group is a ministry of Capital Baptist Church, the following policies have been instituted:
1. Since the HSG is a ministry of Capital Baptist Church ("CBC"), members of CBC can and will be included in the ministry as soon as they begin homeschooling and wish to participate.
2. Members of sister churches of like faith and practice will be allowed to participate in the Home school Support Group provided there is available room. Acceptance into the group is by invitation only.
3. Other homeschoolers may be invited to participate in the Home school Support Group provided room is available. Acceptance into the group is by invitation only.
4. All classes must be taught in accordance with the doctrinal statement of Capital Baptist Church.
5. The Pastoral staff or a church member of CBC will teach any Bible Studies and/or Bible Classes.
6. Any Bible readings and or quotations must be read or quoted from the King James Version of the Bible. This is the standard Bible text of our English-speaking church.
support group

One parent from each family must participate in the co-op each week as either a teacher/assistant, nursery worker, or in an administrative role (e.g. planning field trips and special events, coordinating support group activities and speakers, preparation of the yearbook and end-of-year awards, etc.). Parents should indicate their preferences for how they would like to volunteer when applying to join on the enclosed application.
In addition, parents are given an opportunity on co-op mornings to attend one support group meeting that provides an opportunity for fellowship, teaching, and encouragement. These meetings may include a Bible devotional, prayer, group announcements, discussion of homeschool issues, opportunities to examine curriculum resources, and presentations – often by fellow co-op members – on topics related to parenting and homeschooling.
Follow the link to sign up.
General Policies and Cost

If a student’s behavior is inappropriate in the classroom, a parent teacher should address that student by saying: “(Student’s name), your behavior is inappropriate (name the behavior), and I am giving you a warning. Next time I have to speak to you I will have to remove you from the classroom.”
A student removed from the classroom should be sent to Pastor Eagy. Pastor Eagy will have a discussion with the student and contact the parent after coop to deal with the matter. Co-op participation is a privilege not a right. Loss of co-op participation privileges will be the consequences of the continual misbehavior by a student.
The Capital Co-op is not a school but a support group. The co-op does not issues course work grades or prepare a transcript for students. Course work grades and transcripts are the responsibility of the parents for their own children. Parents may request co-op parent teachers input for co-op course work. Since many high school courses are “For Credit”, co-op parent teachers may issue grades to help parents in their transcript preparation. All grading by co-op parent teachers whether they be test scores, mid-term or final grades should be issued privately to the student and his parents.