Philadelphia: Growing In Evangelism

Philadelphia means “brotherly love.” It was named after Attalus Philadelphus II, king of Pergamum, who was known for his love for his elder brother, Eumenes II, who was king of Lydia.

It was known as “little Athens” because of its magnificent temples to many gods. But though this city was filled with idolatry, the church remained faithful to Jesus. In fact Jesus had nothing bad to say about this church!

Philadelphia was strategically located on the main trade route from Rome to the East. It was referred to as “the gateway to the East” which provided wealth.

The biggest problem with this location was it was prone to earthquakes. For example, the city was totally destroyed in an earthquake in A.D. 19 and was reconstructed by Emperor Tiberius.

It is not enough to love other Christians we must also love unbelievers and share the gospel with them. God gave this church an open door to evangelize. Pastor Steve Reynolds shares six ways we can Grow In Evangelism.