Counseling Workshops

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. Each week, you’ll watch a 30-minute video filled with practical suggestions from counselors and other experts on divorce recovery. Plus you’ll hear from people who’ve experienced a marriage breakup and who share what’s helped them. Their insights will help you make wise decisions as you move forward. Divorce Care For Kids will also be offering at the same time as the adult meeting.

Since the beginning of the biblical counseling movement in 1970, biblical counselors have argued that counseling is a ministry of the Word, just like preaching or missions. As a ministry, counseling must me defined according to sound biblical theology rather than secular principles of psychology. For over four decades, biblical theology has been at the core of the biblical counseling movement. Leaders in biblical counseling have emphasized a commitment to teaching doctrine in their counseling courses out of the conviction that good theology leads to good counseling... and bad theology leads to bad counseling. A Theology of Biblical Counseling is an ideal resource for use in training biblical counselors. Join this workshop to learn the Word of God and how to be an effective people helper.

Financial Peace University is a nine-week class that uses biblical principles to provide step-by-step instruction on paying
off debt, saving for emergencies, choosing the right insurance, investing for the future, and giving generously. All ages
are welcomed. The cost is $80, this includes a workbook, one year free access to the Ramsey content, and one year
access to the Premium Every Dollar app. FPU is full of energy, easy-to-understand lessons, and uses real-life examples
of people just like you who have taken control of their money. You will walk alongside a group of people who will en-
courage you and hold you accountable every step of the way. You will learn to manage money from a biblical perspec-
tive so that “you can live like no one else so you can live and give like no one else.”

"Since depression is so common, it is important that all believers know how to deal with it as God intended." - Wayne Mack.. In this workshop, you will learn how the Bible defines and describes depression, the development & dynamics of depression, and the biblical solution to depression. This workshop will help you get "Out of the Blues." or train you how to help others.

Breaking the Cycle of Hurtful Family Relationships is a support group study that will help us identify harmful patterns of past relationships in order to experience healthier ones. As we delve into this weekly study, we will see how God's Word will reshape false perceptions of Him and His Word, so we can experience His love and forgiveness and power in all of life's circumstances...and in turn, have a healthier relationship with God and others.

This 8 week workshop is a starting place for singles to embrace their "table for one" and walk in the truth that they are complete in Christ. This study realizes "all" kinds of singles from collegiate, never married, divorced to widowed... YOU are included in this study! Please join as we address the challenges of being a Christian Single and take a few steps further on our path towards God's purpose for each of us!