Sunday, December 15, 2024 Experience The Gifts Of Christmas Experience The Gift Of Hope Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds Pastor Steve Reynolds shares three ways we can "Experience The Gift Of Hope." Scripture: Romans 5:5
Sunday, July 28, 2024 GO! Actions That Transform Lives Go With Hope Speaker Missionary Stephen Howell Jesus promised that the Gospel will be preached to all nations. As we go, we can have hope because God’s plan will prevail no matter what. Scripture: Matthew 24:14
Sunday, May 07, 2023 Resurrecting Hope Hope For Overcoming Fear Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds Scriptures tell us that we were not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound judgment. Scripture: Romans 8:31-39
Sunday, April 30, 2023 Resurrecting Hope Hope For Overcoming Failure Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds In opposition to what the world may tell us, God provides us with practical ways we can move past failures. Scripture: Romans 8:28-30
Sunday, April 23, 2023 Resurrecting Hope Hope For Overcoming Suffering Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds There are many examples in the Bible of Christians enduring challenges. And we worship the One who overcomes it all. Scripture: Romans 8:18-27
Sunday, April 16, 2023 Resurrecting Hope Hope For Overcoming Doubt Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds In the Bible, we know that even one of the 12 disciples experienced uncertainty - until he touched the nail-scarred hands of Jesus. Scripture: Romans 8:12-17
Sunday, April 09, 2023 Resurrecting Hope Hope For Overcoming Guilt Speaker Pastor Steve Reynolds Jesus’ death and resurrection was an expression of God’s love and through Christ we can be conquerors. Scripture: Romans 8:1-11